Insight into our working world

This is what we value.
What makes a good employer? In our opinion, that's easy to answer:
It cares about its team. In the here and now, but also with a view to the future. We therefore take our duty of care very seriously in our day-to-day work and also offer a secure workplace with fair conditions and the best prospects for the future. In doing so, we look after the well-being of every team member and create attractive framework conditions so that career and family are always in harmony.
What makes us special: We offer great diversity in our company (regarding projects, tasks and the team) and consider this as a strength and enrichment, both for ourselves and for the work on our special customer solutions.
What makes us proud: We are an ambitious company that offers plenty of opportunities for development, provides a large machine park and creates the performance conditions to generate real customer enthusiasm through professional solutions.
We see ourselves as a mateco family and maintain a respectful and appreciative corporate culture at all times, in which we enjoy supporting each other, working hand in hand and celebrating successes together.
We give the necessary leeway so that each team member can lead their own projects to success with expertise and passion. Because with us, our own solutions are in demand.
As a team, we are passionate about finding the perfect fit and inspiring our customers - even outside the standard. We make heights! You too?