To ensure compliant behaviour – internally and externally

Compliance with laws and regulations is part of mateco's day to day business. mateco fosters an ethic and compliance culture, which means doing the right thing to abide to the values mateco has set for itself. We strive to adhere to strict corporate governance standards, which entails a constant attention to mateco's business environment, to the legal and regulatory framework as well as to the global community mateco is part of.
If you have any questions or reports regarding the topic of compliance, please contact the following e-mail address:
A key element of mateco compliance program, as abiding to the values and principles set forth in the Code of Conduct means conducting our business responsibly, with integrity and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
mateco has set the minimum requirements it expects from its business partners and any other individuals or companies acting for or on behalf of mateco, either directly or indirectly.
At mateco, there will always be an open door should someone witnesses or experiences a compliance concern or should advice be needed in relation to mateco’s activities and/or business conduct.
This person of contact may be for instance in the employees’ immediate working environment, a supervisor, a manager, a local HR partner. For third parties, the person of contact may be the local / Group compliance representative.
We encourage anyone to speak-up freely, in trust and to raise good faith compliance concerns, without fear of retaliation.
In addition to these channels, mateco has set-up a platform allowing for anonymous and completely secured communication with mateco compliance responsible. Please click HERE to reach the system.
mateco Privacy notice whistleblowing
mateco Procedure whistleblowing